7 Surprising Furniture Exercise Hacks You Never Knew You Could Do At Home!

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Hello, lovely readers! Welcome to our wellbeing blog where we strive to make your life healthier and happier through our helpful and fun-filled articles. Today, we have something exciting for you. In this article, we are going to talk about 7 Furniture Exercise hacks that you can easily do at home to keep your body fit and healthy.

We understand that going to the gym is not possible for everyone, but that doesn't mean you can't exercise at home. With a little creativity, you can turn your furniture into exercise equipment and have a great workout session without stepping out of your house. So, let's get started!

Chair Dips

Chair dips are an excellent exercise for triceps and can be done using a sturdy chair. Sit on the edge of the chair with your hands holding the edge. Slide off the chair and lower yourself down until your arms form a 90-degree angle. Then push back up to the starting position. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Couch Squats

Squats are a great exercise for your lower body, and you can do them using your couch. Stand in front of your couch with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower yourself down until your butt touches the couch, then stand back up. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Table Push-ups

Table push-ups are a fantastic exercise for your chest and triceps. Place your hands on the edge of the table and extend your legs behind you, forming a plank position. Lower your chest down towards the table and push back up. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Bed Leg Raises

Bed leg raises are a great exercise for your lower abs. Lie flat on your back on your bed and place your hands under your hips. Lift your legs straight up until they form a 90-degree angle with your torso. Slowly lower your legs back down without touching the bed. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Wall Sit

A wall sit is an excellent exercise for your legs and can be done using any sturdy wall. Stand with your back against the wall and slide down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then stand back up. Do 3 sets.

Stair Stepping

Stair stepping is an excellent cardio exercise that you can do on your stairs. Step up and down the stairs for 20-30 minutes at a steady pace. This exercise is great for your heart and lungs.

Water Bottle Weights

You can use water bottles as weights for your arm exercises. Fill two water bottles with water or sand and hold them in your hands. Do bicep curls, tricep extensions, and shoulder presses with these improvised weights. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Bonus Tip - Exercise with a Friend

Exercising with a friend can make your workout session more enjoyable and motivating. You can do partner exercises such as partner push-ups, partner squats, and partner sit-ups. Exercising with a friend will also keep you accountable and make you less likely to skip your workout.


So there you have it, folks! 7 Furniture Exercise hacks that you can do at home to keep your body fit and healthy. These exercises are simple, effective, and can be done with items that you already have at home. Incorporate them into your daily routine and start seeing results.

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